Tuesday 31 May 2016

Low vitamin D level in pregnant women linked to cavities in toddlers

According to sources, Dr. Robert J Schroth from University of Manitoba's dental school in Winnipeg and his team measured vitamin D levels in 207 pregnant women and then examined the teeth of 135 of their children when they were an average of 16 months old. 
Women's vitamin D levels were mostly in the normal range, but about a third had levels that were too low.
Depending on what definition of cavities the researchers used, 23 to 36 percent of the toddlers had cavities.
Prenatal vitamin D levels were significantly lower in women whose toddlers later had cavities than in women whose toddlers did not have cavities, as reported by sources.
Vitamin D is present in many foods including salmon, mackerel, cod liver oil, tuna, margarine and vitamin D fortified milk. Sun exposure is also one of the important ways to increase blood levels of vitamin D.

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